Monday, March 8, 2010

Connectivity Issues.....

SOOOO.... my router died. Seeing as how all my computers are wireless...this causes some problems. My modem is set up behind our tv up on the shelf above the fireplace. Its really hard to get to, and my really long cat5 cable isn't working either. So here I sit on the floor with my laptop hooked up to the modem with a little short cable. The good news is Comcast will give me a router as part of my service, the bad is I have to wait for it to be shipped. So maybe by the end of the week.
This laptop doesn't have a card reader, so I can't put pics up with it. I took them for today though, and I'll add them when I get a chance.
Happy Birthday Granny! We called her, and the kids sang her happy birthday.
We stayed in today. It was kinda cold. We even got a few snow flurries. The kids are in trouble for not listening to what I tell them to do, so they are grounded tomorrow too. No movies, games or going outside.
So seeing as how I'm sitting on the floor and its not really comfy, I'm gonna keep it short for now. I will prob come back tomorrow and add a bit more to this post. Love to you all!
**day 8**

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