Friday, March 5, 2010

tgif? i guess....

So its Friday. Doesn't really feel any different to me. All my days tend to blend together. At least we're one day closer to Donald comming home. That's what really matters. This is day 5 since he left.
We had a pretty good day. Not really eventful. I did some photoshop work with Tashina today. I downloaded a bunch of new scrap packs. Sent her a few of them. If you scrap, take a look at She has some beautiful stuff! Here is what I threw together today:

So there is absolutely nothing good on tv tonight. I think I might watch The Ugly Truth on netflix with the xbox. I just put Batman on my laptop for the kids and noticed that it was on there.
They are laying in my bed watching that and going to sleep. They got to go outside and play for a few hours with our neighbors. Braeden and Chris rode their scooters and Trista's bike. Me and Chris' mom pick on them for being so old riding around on a princess bike with training wheels. Neither of them can ride without trainging wheels, but they don't have bikes to learn on now. Braeden's bike is too little for him to ride now. They had fun though. Here are a couple pics i snapped while we were out there:

We came in from playing outside and made dinner. Braeden helped me cook them scrambled eggs. He loves scrambled eggs. Its on his short list with chicken nuggets and pancakes!
I'm chatting with Donald on yahoo now, while I'm writing this. He is doing good. After I get off here, I think I'll watch my movie then go read and go sleep. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to take the kids outside a bit earlier. Maybe I'll make them a picnic lunch to sit outside and eat with Chris.
Oh and Braeden's new explanation for everything..... is aliens. If something is missing... aliens did it... his tattoo is comming off.... aliens are to blame for that too. I find it quite entertaining to listen to him sometimes. Oh and he looked at me this morning and said, "you thinking what i'm thinking?" I said idk what are you thinking?.... "Burying monkey shoes...." Nope, I'm not thinking what you're thinking. And the way he said it was like Joey on Friends saying, how you doin? Kid is destined to be an entertainer no matter what he does in life. Well I hope you all had a good day and hope you'll have another good one tomorrow. Oh and here are the offical pix of the day for Donald!
03/05/2010:she was mad cause i made her go to bed.

Welcome to the gun show!

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