So Vampire Diaries was a re-run tonight*boo*. Grey's was pretty good if un-eventful. I hate that Mark is turning back into a man whore. He and Lexi totally need to get over it and get back together. Private Practice was ok too. Again with the un-eventful. Ew with Charlotte and Shelton. Sam and Addison should get together, and Naomi should be with wheelchair guy. Oh and can we say weird with the whole allergy thing they had going on tonight?!?!? And on a side note. I want my hair to look like Addison's. For sure at least colorwise. I don't think my hair as short as hers would work out though. Maybe I'll go get it dyed though. Project Runway was neet this week. It was a cool challenge. I think that the guy with the bathing suit should have gone home though. It was ahot mess. And rounding out the night was America's Best Dance Crew. I missed the first crew or 2 I think. It was Lady Gaga night. Most of them did a pretty good job. Braeden came all the way downstairs to pee during ABDC.... he ended up asleep in my lap while I finished watching the show.
Now I'm blogging and talking to Donald on yahoo. After I finish up here its to bed to read untill I fall asleep! So a rather un-eventful day, but at least the tv was good. Each week of good Tv will bring me a week closer to having my baby home, so its always something good to look foward to. Hope you all had a good day too, and will have another one tomorrow!
Pix for the day of 03/04/2010
cool guitar tatoos!! haha