So I've not been treating my blog too well! Life gets in the way sometimes. I just wanted to check in really quick. We have all been sick the last couple of weeks. The kids both ended up with ear infections. We had a nice Easter along with our neighbors, Yvette, Chris and Destiny.
Today I cleaned out the car that was flooded due to the trunk not being sealed well enough. Then we went over to Yvette's and worked on a puzzle. Now I'm writing this and the kids are asleep in their sleeping bags in front of the couch, with the Sqeakqual on tv. Trista has decided that she is going to be Brittany the Chippette for Halloween. I'm gonna talk Tashina into making the girls the Chippettes! Will be too cute.
I'll blog again tomorrow and catch up the rest of our doings, and add some new pics!
**day 42**
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
missed this is a double issue!
so I didn't get my blogging done yesterday. My back was hurting too bad to sit on the floor and type. My router will be here prob early next week. I can't wait.... tired of this floor crap. So I have pics for everyday, I'll come in and add them to the posts once I get the other comp back on the net.
Yesterday was pretty un-eventful. I'd say the biggest event was me dying my hair.... I dyed it red.... I like the color red I got, prob is that it didn't cover all my hair. So Sunday my neighbor Evete is going to come over and help me dye it again to cover it all. Other than that we just hung around the house. Me and the kids did sit at the counter and color for a while. I'll teach them the right way to color eventually! I watched the newest Diary of a Call Girl, and Parenthood, then headed to bed.
**day 9**
Today I got up and vacumed the living room. Then I started working on getting some of the stuff that's on our counter that doesn't need to be ut away. I have a whole stack of pictures i want to hang up and such that was pilled on the end by my desk. Gonna put that all in the closet untill i get around to doing something better with it. My neighbor came over for a while tonight. We let the kids play XBOX and I fed them all. I showed her some pics and we just hung out. The kids had fun. We're gonna take them all bowling Sunday. Should be fun. Now the kids are finishing the food they didn't eat at dinner, and I'm bloggin. I'm about to send them to bed. I wonder if anything good comes on tv tonight??!?!? Well I shall wrap this up and go find out!
**day 10**
Yesterday was pretty un-eventful. I'd say the biggest event was me dying my hair.... I dyed it red.... I like the color red I got, prob is that it didn't cover all my hair. So Sunday my neighbor Evete is going to come over and help me dye it again to cover it all. Other than that we just hung around the house. Me and the kids did sit at the counter and color for a while. I'll teach them the right way to color eventually! I watched the newest Diary of a Call Girl, and Parenthood, then headed to bed.
**day 9**
Today I got up and vacumed the living room. Then I started working on getting some of the stuff that's on our counter that doesn't need to be ut away. I have a whole stack of pictures i want to hang up and such that was pilled on the end by my desk. Gonna put that all in the closet untill i get around to doing something better with it. My neighbor came over for a while tonight. We let the kids play XBOX and I fed them all. I showed her some pics and we just hung out. The kids had fun. We're gonna take them all bowling Sunday. Should be fun. Now the kids are finishing the food they didn't eat at dinner, and I'm bloggin. I'm about to send them to bed. I wonder if anything good comes on tv tonight??!?!? Well I shall wrap this up and go find out!
**day 10**
Monday, March 8, 2010
Connectivity Issues.....
SOOOO.... my router died. Seeing as how all my computers are wireless...this causes some problems. My modem is set up behind our tv up on the shelf above the fireplace. Its really hard to get to, and my really long cat5 cable isn't working either. So here I sit on the floor with my laptop hooked up to the modem with a little short cable. The good news is Comcast will give me a router as part of my service, the bad is I have to wait for it to be shipped. So maybe by the end of the week.
This laptop doesn't have a card reader, so I can't put pics up with it. I took them for today though, and I'll add them when I get a chance.
Happy Birthday Granny! We called her, and the kids sang her happy birthday.
We stayed in today. It was kinda cold. We even got a few snow flurries. The kids are in trouble for not listening to what I tell them to do, so they are grounded tomorrow too. No movies, games or going outside.
So seeing as how I'm sitting on the floor and its not really comfy, I'm gonna keep it short for now. I will prob come back tomorrow and add a bit more to this post. Love to you all!
**day 8**
This laptop doesn't have a card reader, so I can't put pics up with it. I took them for today though, and I'll add them when I get a chance.
Happy Birthday Granny! We called her, and the kids sang her happy birthday.
We stayed in today. It was kinda cold. We even got a few snow flurries. The kids are in trouble for not listening to what I tell them to do, so they are grounded tomorrow too. No movies, games or going outside.
So seeing as how I'm sitting on the floor and its not really comfy, I'm gonna keep it short for now. I will prob come back tomorrow and add a bit more to this post. Love to you all!
**day 8**
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Lazy Sunday
So today was pretty much, just a lazy Sunday. We got up this morning and watched Chicken Little...again.... then we got on webcam with Donald. The kids were excited to see him. After being on cam for about 10 mins, Trista turned it into a modeling session. She's so concieted! Donald is doing good.
After we got off cam with Daddy... Chris from next door was ringing our bell. So I got them ready to go outside and play. The kids all played soccer/basketball/football, and rode the scooters and Trista's bike. When it started getting too cold and looked like it was going to rain, we went over to my neighbor's house and let the boys play wii for a while.
Then we came home, had a bit of dinner, and I watched the Oscars. I'm glad that Sandra Bullock won. Then we had bath time. Now here I am. They are supposed to be in the bed watching a moving on netflix, but apparently the computer popped something up and stopped their movie. I refused to go fix it untill I finish this though. So I'm gonna to wrap it up. Hope you all had a great day, and have a great one tomorrow. **Day 7**
Pix for the day of 03/07/2010
After we got off cam with Daddy... Chris from next door was ringing our bell. So I got them ready to go outside and play. The kids all played soccer/basketball/football, and rode the scooters and Trista's bike. When it started getting too cold and looked like it was going to rain, we went over to my neighbor's house and let the boys play wii for a while.
Then we came home, had a bit of dinner, and I watched the Oscars. I'm glad that Sandra Bullock won. Then we had bath time. Now here I am. They are supposed to be in the bed watching a moving on netflix, but apparently the computer popped something up and stopped their movie. I refused to go fix it untill I finish this though. So I'm gonna to wrap it up. Hope you all had a great day, and have a great one tomorrow. **Day 7**
Pix for the day of 03/07/2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
somewhat accomplished
So I got the living room almost spotless today. I still need to straten up around our desk area, and I need to flip the couch and see what goodies they have stashed under it. I pulled the rug from under the dinning room table, and even vacumed under there. I think I might shampoo in here tomorrow night after I put them to bed. Tomorrow is the kitchen, hallway and powder room. Not too much to do on either of these. mop the kitchen, wipe down the fridge and such. Just need to vacume the hallway and mop the entryway. Shouldn't take too long, so once that's done I will prob work on laundry untill bed then do my shampooing. YAY huh?
Nothing at all good on tv tonight. I had a raid on wow anyway. Did that, it was pretty uneventful. I watched the Ugly Truth last night before I went to bed. It was really good. Love the panty scene for those of you who have seen it too. I was laughing so hard I almost woke them up! They didn't get to go outside to play today, they wouldn't help clean up their toys and mess they had in the living room, so they were grounded for the day. Gonna have to make them learn they have responsibilities too. Even if its just keeping their toys picked up.
We had spaghetti for dinner again =). We had wheel shaped noodles this time though, Braeden picked them out and said they looked like soccer balls. He was really excited that I had cooked them. They watched Chicken Little after dinner, then I sent them to bed. Which they are still up and Braeden is down here whinning that," Sissy said she doesn't love me.". They are both about to get it......
So I'm gonna wrap this up so I can go enforce bed time. Hope you all had a good day and will have a good one tomorrow! Day 6 is on the books!
Pix for: 03/06/2010
Nothing at all good on tv tonight. I had a raid on wow anyway. Did that, it was pretty uneventful. I watched the Ugly Truth last night before I went to bed. It was really good. Love the panty scene for those of you who have seen it too. I was laughing so hard I almost woke them up! They didn't get to go outside to play today, they wouldn't help clean up their toys and mess they had in the living room, so they were grounded for the day. Gonna have to make them learn they have responsibilities too. Even if its just keeping their toys picked up.
We had spaghetti for dinner again =). We had wheel shaped noodles this time though, Braeden picked them out and said they looked like soccer balls. He was really excited that I had cooked them. They watched Chicken Little after dinner, then I sent them to bed. Which they are still up and Braeden is down here whinning that," Sissy said she doesn't love me.". They are both about to get it......
So I'm gonna wrap this up so I can go enforce bed time. Hope you all had a good day and will have a good one tomorrow! Day 6 is on the books!
Pix for: 03/06/2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
tgif? i guess....
So its Friday. Doesn't really feel any different to me. All my days tend to blend together. At least we're one day closer to Donald comming home. That's what really matters. This is day 5 since he left.
We had a pretty good day. Not really eventful. I did some photoshop work with Tashina today. I downloaded a bunch of new scrap packs. Sent her a few of them. If you scrap, take a look at She has some beautiful stuff! Here is what I threw together today:
We had a pretty good day. Not really eventful. I did some photoshop work with Tashina today. I downloaded a bunch of new scrap packs. Sent her a few of them. If you scrap, take a look at She has some beautiful stuff! Here is what I threw together today:
So there is absolutely nothing good on tv tonight. I think I might watch The Ugly Truth on netflix with the xbox. I just put Batman on my laptop for the kids and noticed that it was on there.
They are laying in my bed watching that and going to sleep. They got to go outside and play for a few hours with our neighbors. Braeden and Chris rode their scooters and Trista's bike. Me and Chris' mom pick on them for being so old riding around on a princess bike with training wheels. Neither of them can ride without trainging wheels, but they don't have bikes to learn on now. Braeden's bike is too little for him to ride now. They had fun though. Here are a couple pics i snapped while we were out there:
We came in from playing outside and made dinner. Braeden helped me cook them scrambled eggs. He loves scrambled eggs. Its on his short list with chicken nuggets and pancakes!
I'm chatting with Donald on yahoo now, while I'm writing this. He is doing good. After I get off here, I think I'll watch my movie then go read and go sleep. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to take the kids outside a bit earlier. Maybe I'll make them a picnic lunch to sit outside and eat with Chris.
Oh and Braeden's new explanation for everything..... is aliens. If something is missing... aliens did it... his tattoo is comming off.... aliens are to blame for that too. I find it quite entertaining to listen to him sometimes. Oh and he looked at me this morning and said, "you thinking what i'm thinking?" I said idk what are you thinking?.... "Burying monkey shoes...." Nope, I'm not thinking what you're thinking. And the way he said it was like Joey on Friends saying, how you doin? Kid is destined to be an entertainer no matter what he does in life. Well I hope you all had a good day and hope you'll have another good one tomorrow. Oh and here are the offical pix of the day for Donald!
same....crap, different day
So not much going on today. I did get our dinning room chairs recovered for the ones that weren't and the other 2 attached back to the chair itself. so now the kids can eat at the table again instead of her little tinkerbell table or at the breakfast bar. I imagine Braeden will still want to eat at the bar though. Its his fave spot to eat. I straitened up the living room some but that was about all I got accomplished. Seeing as how tonight was DVR happiness night, I had plenty of other things to keep my busy. So I cooked dinner a little early. We had pig-in-the-blankets with chips and corn.
So Vampire Diaries was a re-run tonight*boo*. Grey's was pretty good if un-eventful. I hate that Mark is turning back into a man whore. He and Lexi totally need to get over it and get back together. Private Practice was ok too. Again with the un-eventful. Ew with Charlotte and Shelton. Sam and Addison should get together, and Naomi should be with wheelchair guy. Oh and can we say weird with the whole allergy thing they had going on tonight?!?!? And on a side note. I want my hair to look like Addison's. For sure at least colorwise. I don't think my hair as short as hers would work out though. Maybe I'll go get it dyed though. Project Runway was neet this week. It was a cool challenge. I think that the guy with the bathing suit should have gone home though. It was ahot mess. And rounding out the night was America's Best Dance Crew. I missed the first crew or 2 I think. It was Lady Gaga night. Most of them did a pretty good job. Braeden came all the way downstairs to pee during ABDC.... he ended up asleep in my lap while I finished watching the show.
So Vampire Diaries was a re-run tonight*boo*. Grey's was pretty good if un-eventful. I hate that Mark is turning back into a man whore. He and Lexi totally need to get over it and get back together. Private Practice was ok too. Again with the un-eventful. Ew with Charlotte and Shelton. Sam and Addison should get together, and Naomi should be with wheelchair guy. Oh and can we say weird with the whole allergy thing they had going on tonight?!?!? And on a side note. I want my hair to look like Addison's. For sure at least colorwise. I don't think my hair as short as hers would work out though. Maybe I'll go get it dyed though. Project Runway was neet this week. It was a cool challenge. I think that the guy with the bathing suit should have gone home though. It was ahot mess. And rounding out the night was America's Best Dance Crew. I missed the first crew or 2 I think. It was Lady Gaga night. Most of them did a pretty good job. Braeden came all the way downstairs to pee during ABDC.... he ended up asleep in my lap while I finished watching the show.
Now I'm blogging and talking to Donald on yahoo. After I finish up here its to bed to read untill I fall asleep! So a rather un-eventful day, but at least the tv was good. Each week of good Tv will bring me a week closer to having my baby home, so its always something good to look foward to. Hope you all had a good day too, and will have another one tomorrow!
Pix for the day of 03/04/2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
So thanks to Stephanie's inspiration, I decided I'd start a blog as well. This will be a good way to keep all the family from all over involved in our day to day life. It will also be a good way to document what all is happening while Donald is deployed, so he can stay updated as well. I'm gonna post at least one pic everyday too, so he'll have a pic a day, while he's away!
To kick this off we'll start with what all has happened so far this week up to today. Donald left early am Monday morning. After dropping him off Sunday night, me and the kiddos stopped to pick up a few groceries then came home. They both passed out on the couch watching TV, so of course that meant i had to carry them both upstairs to bed. During all that time frame, it was up in the air if Donald was going. They had overbooked the plane and it was looking like he might get to stay back. But alas, he went.
He called me Monday morning from Maine, just to let me know that they had made it that far. The kids and I just hung around the house. I got a few loads of laundry done, and worked on getting that put away and trying to put up some other things from the KS trip. Braeden was trying to eat the snake that Trista was playing with, with the dino he was playing with. Trista told him to stop, they were having a playdate.....We had spaghetti for dinner. We did baths and they both went to bed right on time thank god. I read untill I was tired enough to go to sleep, and that was that for Monday.
Tuesday was another stick around the house day. Not much of note happened. I did notice that Trista was way to quiet, so I went to look for her and found her asleep on the floor of my closet with her but up in the air. We had waffles for dinner, which is one of the kiddos fave's, and easy which makes it one of my faves. I finished my book, so i went on to the last one in the series. I'm reading the Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward. They are really good. I played Dragonage on the 360 for a while. Braeden watched me play that while Sissy watched tv in her room. Got them to bed, straitened up the living room, and did the chore I hate the most, which is taking out the garbage. So I slipped on my pumas and took the cans down to the curb. I also got to look foward to the stupid truck waking me up when it showed up at the crack of dawn this morning. So after that I checked my email and facebook for the night, saw Donald was online. OF COURSE the stupid facebook messenger wasn't working. Donald couldn't get on yahoo at first, but he got it worked out. I got to talk to him on there for about oh 15 mins i guess. He's doing good. He's in Kuwait doing classes and stuff before he moves on in to Iraq. After that I read and finally fell asleep at some point.
That brings us to today. hung around the house yet again today. Worked on more laundry and trying to clean up around the computer area. It still needed work from Donald being stationed here. Got all the stuff on the desk sorted and put some of the bags from our trip out in the garage to get them out of my way. We had chicken nuggets and fries for dinner. Braeden helped me bring the garbage cans back from the curb. They were upstairs watching tv, and Braeden came downstairs crying. Trista had bitten his side. She said she couldn't get him to get off her side of the bed.... so yeah I bit her back. Now they are upstairs supposed to be in bed, but I hear them up still. So when I get done with this I'll have to go lay the smack down on them. I have a book to look foward to, and Cougartown comes on tonight. You should really watch it if you don't, its hilarious. Oh and I did watch the new Diary of a Call Girl that was on demand today too, and I dvr'ed that show parenthood that premiered last night. It was good too. Tomorrow is DVR happiness night since I have so many shows that I love that come on Thursdays. Yay, something to get excited about =). Well goodnight xoxo
To kick this off we'll start with what all has happened so far this week up to today. Donald left early am Monday morning. After dropping him off Sunday night, me and the kiddos stopped to pick up a few groceries then came home. They both passed out on the couch watching TV, so of course that meant i had to carry them both upstairs to bed. During all that time frame, it was up in the air if Donald was going. They had overbooked the plane and it was looking like he might get to stay back. But alas, he went.
He called me Monday morning from Maine, just to let me know that they had made it that far. The kids and I just hung around the house. I got a few loads of laundry done, and worked on getting that put away and trying to put up some other things from the KS trip. Braeden was trying to eat the snake that Trista was playing with, with the dino he was playing with. Trista told him to stop, they were having a playdate.....We had spaghetti for dinner. We did baths and they both went to bed right on time thank god. I read untill I was tired enough to go to sleep, and that was that for Monday.
Tuesday was another stick around the house day. Not much of note happened. I did notice that Trista was way to quiet, so I went to look for her and found her asleep on the floor of my closet with her but up in the air. We had waffles for dinner, which is one of the kiddos fave's, and easy which makes it one of my faves. I finished my book, so i went on to the last one in the series. I'm reading the Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward. They are really good. I played Dragonage on the 360 for a while. Braeden watched me play that while Sissy watched tv in her room. Got them to bed, straitened up the living room, and did the chore I hate the most, which is taking out the garbage. So I slipped on my pumas and took the cans down to the curb. I also got to look foward to the stupid truck waking me up when it showed up at the crack of dawn this morning. So after that I checked my email and facebook for the night, saw Donald was online. OF COURSE the stupid facebook messenger wasn't working. Donald couldn't get on yahoo at first, but he got it worked out. I got to talk to him on there for about oh 15 mins i guess. He's doing good. He's in Kuwait doing classes and stuff before he moves on in to Iraq. After that I read and finally fell asleep at some point.
That brings us to today. hung around the house yet again today. Worked on more laundry and trying to clean up around the computer area. It still needed work from Donald being stationed here. Got all the stuff on the desk sorted and put some of the bags from our trip out in the garage to get them out of my way. We had chicken nuggets and fries for dinner. Braeden helped me bring the garbage cans back from the curb. They were upstairs watching tv, and Braeden came downstairs crying. Trista had bitten his side. She said she couldn't get him to get off her side of the bed.... so yeah I bit her back. Now they are upstairs supposed to be in bed, but I hear them up still. So when I get done with this I'll have to go lay the smack down on them. I have a book to look foward to, and Cougartown comes on tonight. You should really watch it if you don't, its hilarious. Oh and I did watch the new Diary of a Call Girl that was on demand today too, and I dvr'ed that show parenthood that premiered last night. It was good too. Tomorrow is DVR happiness night since I have so many shows that I love that come on Thursdays. Yay, something to get excited about =). Well goodnight xoxo
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